Oral Conscious Sedation

Dental Anxiety

Do you experience high levels of anxiety when visiting the dentist? You may be a candidate for Oral Conscious Sedation Dentistry. Drs. Colson and Colson are certified by the Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation (DOCS) to administer (oral conscious) sedation for dental treatment.  They are specially trained to prescribe and administer the proper medication and dosage for treatment.  Dr. Chad Colson and Dr. Jill Colson monitor your vital signs throughout the procedure with a pulse-oximeter (pulse, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation) to ensure your safety.  When being treated with sedation, you are the sole focus of Dr. Chad Colson and Dr. Jill Colson–no other patients are scheduled during that time.

Sedation Dentistry

Advantages to patients include:

  • Treatment is completed when you are in a more relaxed frame of mind.
  • You will have less difficulty sitting through a lengthy procedure.
  • Multiple treatments and full mouth restorations can occur during the same visit.
  • Less discomfort after treatment.

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Schedule your next dental appointment with us today!

Call us: 864-271-6705

Anti-Anxiety Medication

The most commonly prescribed dental related drugs that treat anxiety belong to the “benzodiazepine” family. These drugs such as Valium, Halcion, Xanax, or Ativan. These drugs decrease anxiety by binding and toning down activity within “fear” receptors in the brain.